Stefano Tomelleri

Stefano Tomelleri
President of the Master's Degree in Pedagogical Sciences
University of Bergamo

Prof. Stefano Tomelleri, lecturer at the University of Bergamo, is President of the Master's Degree in Pedagogical Sciences and member of the Teaching College and lecturer in the sociological area of ​​the International Doctoral School in Human Resources and Labor Market .
He is part of the editorial committee of the Class A Journals for the competition sector Area 14 C1 Sociology and Health and Society Studies, and of the Scientific and Security Journals; Training, work, person. Cqia Magazine and international scientific journals Bulletin of the Transylvania University, Series VII-Social Siences-Law and Acta Biomedica for Health Professions.

Scientific Directorate of Research entitled "Analysis of symbolic representations of collaborative practice in the Bergamo palliative care network" as part of the ITALY® Project - STaRs Supporting Talented Researchers 2015 carried out with a grant co-financed with external funds: 50% financed by the University with peer review process, 50% funded by the Bergamo Association of Palliative Care.
From 10/30/2015 to 1/05/2017

National scientific direction of the international research group promoted by the Research Center of ARS VIVENDI of Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan and by the University of Bergamo for the development of joint research projects, the organization of seminars and conferences, the exchange of researchers, students and bibliographic material of common interest.
From 21-06-2011 to 31-03-2012
