Andrea Locatelli

Andrea Locatelli
IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital, Milan

Born in Bergamo in 1985, he has been playing the piano since he was five years old and has always been fascinated by bats: strange animals about which, as a child, you are typically told very little, and which trigger curiosity. It was during his three-year degree in biology at the University of Milan Bicocca that he started working on bats (first on their genome, for the identification of cryptic species): since then, he has practically always studied these animals. After graduating in evolution (environmental biology) at the University of Turin, she saw the possibility of investigating the extreme longevity of bats, and therefore won a PhD scholarship in Dublin to investigate this very topic, discovering that autophagy is probably linked to the slow ageing of these mammals. He now works at the Cenci Lab at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, which specialises in autophagy, where Andrea is investigating bat longevity mainly from the point of view of bat tumour avoidance.
