Simone "AKirA" Trimarchi

Simone "AKirA" Trimarchi

Simone "AKirA" Trimarchi is the first Italian champion of Starcraft, a tournament he won in 2001, and he still hasn't hung up his competition. He is a pioneer of esport in many aspects, besides being a player: he founded SoL, one of the most successful Italian organizations in the history of moviment, he has written about competitive gaming since 2003 in the main and now generalist magazines (he is a contributor to Corriere dello Sport), he has commented on the major events in our country covering the role of caster for the first time in 2005 before the invention of Facebook, let alone Twitch! Over time the articles turned into videos and the profession of caster into that of presenter: in recent years he has been on the stages of Lucca Comincs & Games, Gamesweek or Comicon but the most important was at a Tedx, where he was called upon to tell his story. Today, thanks in part to his engineering degree, he has become Esport Manager for cookies digital but continues to play online as he did when he was a kid: he has moved on to Magic, a community where he is one of the most appreciated content creators, and to ... Fortnite! A title he frequents only and exclusively without cameras filming him as he gets fgragged by his two beloved sons Franfesco and Luca to the tune of purple loot and Rock and Roll.
