Guido Ferretti

Guido Ferretti
Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine, University of Brescia

After graduating in medicine and surgery in 1981 and obtaining the specialty in sports medicine in 1984, he dedicated his entire professional life to academic and research activity in the field of human physiology. He is Professor of Physiology, first at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, then at the University of Brescia. His fields of activity concern exercise physiology and the study of man's adaptations to extraordinary environments. He has published approximately 180 scientific articles and two monographs. Regarding altitude, he co-authored the first multifactorial model of the limitation of maximum oxygen consumption in humans and studied the causes of the non-linear fall in maximum oxygen consumption at high altitude. He is a resident corresponding member of the Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere.
