Simona Mrakic-Sposta

Simona Mrakic-Sposta
Institute of Clinical Physiology, Italian National Council of Research, Università Telematica San Raffaele Rome

Dr. Mrakic-Sposta, Biotechnologist, Ph.D. in Molecular Medicine, is researcher at the Institute of Clinical Physiology, Italian National Council of Research. From 2020 at current, Università Telematica San Raffaele - Roma (UNIROMA 5), course of “Human Anatomy” (BIO-16), in Corsi di Laurea Scienze Motorie e Scienze Motorie curriculum Calcio (L22); Corso di Laurea Scienze e tecniche delle attività̀motorie preventive e adattate (LM67). From 2017 to 2021, contract Professor at University of Milan (UNIMI) course of “Human Anatomy and Histology”, (BIO-16), at Discipline morfologiche (D7605) - modulo di Anatomia/Istologia; Basi biologiche e morfologiche della vita (D710G) in Corsi di Laurea in Tecniche di Neurofisiopatologia (L/SNT3) e Terapia Occupazionale (L/SNT2). Member ad Secretary of Italian Society of Mountain Medicine, SIMeM from October 2017 at current. The research fields include studies on oxidative stress, redox status, and inflammation in: physiological (i.e: at rest in basal condition; during exercise; acute and chronic hypoxia, hyperoxia), pathological conditions (i.e: neurological, metabolic, muscle disease) and/or during/after dietary supplementation (i.e. oxiprolina, folic acid, R-Thioctic acid), or specific diet (i.e. ketogenica). A part of research has focused, especially, on physiological adaptation to whole body in extreme condition/environmental (i.e. high altitude, hypobaric and normobaric hypoxia, saturation diving, apnea) with or without adaptation to exercise. Furthermore, another part of researches are focused on muscle atrophy, with consequently sarcopenia and aging process. Focus on measurements of oxidative damage biomarkers by enzymatic-immuno and fluorescent-assays and “direct free radicals” and “antioxidant” detection by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). Measures of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) productions and antioxidant capacity in biological samples (blood, saliva, urine, cell, and tissues: in vivo and in vitro by human and animals) by EPR technique. Study the role of myoglobin in human muscle: relationship between molecular structure and function of the different isoforms. Analysis of specific biomarkers such as: Dopamine, Serotonin, Glutamates, BDNF linkages to disorders/status and/or pathologies.
